New Provincial Site Launch!
The Capuchin Francisican Province of St. Joseph (POSJ) is one of Doubleberry’s longest standing clients. The POSJ is heavily involved with community outreach and has several high profile ministries and events such as: the Capuchin Soup Kitchen (www.cskdetroit.org), St. Ben’s Community Meal (http://www.capuchincommunityservices.org/), and the Capucin’s Run Walk for the Hungry (www.capuchinsrunwalkforthehungry.org). Doubleberry helps the Province leverage the web to both convey their important message and recieving support from the community.
The POSJ came to Doubleberry earlier this year with a request to completely redesign their provincial site. The site that Doubleberry built for them in 2007 was extremely poplular and had grown to several hundred pages. It was time to reorganize the site from top down. Building upon the success of our work on cskdetroit.org, Doubleberry’s team put together a plan to deliver a responsive site for the POSJ that has layouts for desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones.
If you want to check it out go to: www.thecapuchins.org and simply resize your browser window on your desktop or look at it on your tablet or smart phone. The POSJ has also contracted Doubleberry to update several of their ministry sites so keep you’re eyes out here for more updates.